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Deva (2025 film)
Deva is an action and thriller movie which is soon to be released on January 31, 2025 is listed on ClipsTrust and is already in discussion by various fans of the actor starring in this movie. Deva has become a very favourable move already and might be added in the list of the best movies in India due to its cast. It stars Shahid Kapoor and Pooja Hegde with Kubbra Sait, Pavail Gulati, and Parvessh Rana playing different entertaining roles by their side. The movie will be released in Hindi language and is a fiction-based movie providng the audience with an extraordinary experience. Deva has made the headlines and is talked about on social media for quite a long time since the making was announced. The actors Shahid Kapoor and Pooja Hegde playing the lead roles has hyped this movie up. Deva Movie is produced by one of the known and best entertainment companies in India Roy Kapur Films and Zee Studio with a perfect blend of action and emotion and has a lot of people eagerly waiting for. How Well is Deva Movie Being Received? Since the announcement of its release on 31st January, 2025, Deva movie has become a sensation in the indian cinema. The audience is really excited to see Shahid Kapoor in action along with the other stars like Pooja Hegde and Kubbra Sait. They want to see the storyline and how the movie ends, what the climax is and if there is going to be a second part already. People are ticking to get notifications about the movie and its release on various booking apps to be able to book its movie tickets and watch it as soon as they can. Explore trusted Deva video and authentic reviews on the Official Clipstrust YouTube channel and Connect with us on our socials: Follow us on Social media Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
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